Mar 10, 1960---Feb 03, 2025

Dr. Roberto Hodgson, a devoted servant of God, loving husband, father, grandfather, and dedicated leader in ministry, went to be with the Lord on February 3, 2025, at the age of 64.

He was born on March 10, 1960 in Managua, Nicaragua and immigrated to the United States in 1979. Roberto dedicated his life to spreading the Gospel and serving varied communities with faith, wisdom, and compassion. His leadership and unwavering commitment to unity in Christ transcended cultural barriers, bringing many people together in worship and service.

Roberto graduated in 1985 from Seminario Nazareno de las Américas in Costa Rica with a Bachelor’s degree in Theology. During his time as a seminarian, he pastored the Church of the Nazarene in San Pedro de Poás from 1982-1985. He was ordained as a minister in 1986. He continued his ministerial education after his return to the United States, earning a Master’s degree in Theology from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. in 1992. From 1986- 2002, he served in various capacities in the Mid-Atlantic District, which included pastoring the Hispanic Church of the Nazarene in Washington, D.C., serving as District Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries, and providing leadership to several church plants within the district.

In 2002, he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation. That same year, Roberto began serving as Director of Hispanic Ministries for the USA/Canada Region. After transitioning to his new role for the Church of the Nazarene, he and his family relocated to the Kansas City area. During that time, he also held the position of District Superintendent for the Southwest Latin American District from 2007-2012. In May 2012, he was appointed as Director of Multicultural Ministries for the USA and Canada Region, a position in which he served until his passing.


Roberto was a committed advocate for leadership development within the ethnic churches and enjoyed creating curriculum materials to support this cause. He also taught classes that equipped the next generation of pastors and leaders to carry on the work of Multicultural Ministries. As part of this passion for ongoing education, he wrote and contributed to several discipleship guides and devotional books that continue to teach and inspire believers in their faith journey.


Beyond his ministry, Roberto was a devoted family man. He is survived by his loving wife, Carol; their cherished daughters, Andrea Welch and Emily Miller; and their spouses Brandon Welch and Andrew Miller. He was a loving grandfather to Micah Welch (10), Eli Welch (9), Clara Miller (4), Charlotte Miller (4), and Vivian Welch (1). His family brought him great joy, and he poured love, wisdom, and faith into them.


Though our hearts grieve his passing, we rejoice in knowing that he now rests in the presence of his Savior, having heard the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).

A Celebration of Life service will be held on Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 12:00 PM at Central Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, KS. There will be a visitation prior to the service from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.


In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that donations be made to The Bible Institute Nicaragua: Scholarships for Pastors and Nicaragua: The Nazarene School in honor of Dr. Roberto Hodgson’s lifelong dedication to ministry and education.


Pascal Permis Feb 06, 2025

SRT Facilitator- Haitian Ministries USA/Canada ,Port St Lucie Evangelical Church of the Nazarene ,Florida

I want to express our sincere condolences to the family on behalf of the Haitian pastors and leaders. Dr. Hodgson's passion for training and equipping leaders, his zeal for evangelization, and his spirit of humility have impacted us all. Let us all rest in the promise that we will see him again. In continued prayer for the entire family! Pascal Permis

Nathan Miller Feb 06, 2025

Cousin to Carol ,Irwin ,Ohio

Praying for you as you both grieve Roberto’s passing and as you celebrate his amazing life. I wish I could have learned to know him. Carol- I will be thinking of you and praying for special grace over the next week, months, and beyond.

Miriam Mouzon Feb 06, 2025

Amiga colega ,Cheshire ,Connecticut

Mis condolencias a toda la familia, el Pastor Hodson personificó el amor de Dios. Se nos adelantó y ya se está gozando. Dios les bendiga y les dé paz.

Guillermo S Martinez Feb 07, 2025

Friends ,Tucson ,Arizona

Damos gracias a Dios por la vida y el legado de nuestro amado hermano, amigo y compatriota Reverendo Roberto Hodgson. Su vida fue una entrega fiel al ministerio del Señor. Su trabajo, esfuerzo y amor a la obra de nuestro salvador fue de tiempo completo. Nuestra oración por consolación y fortaleza a nuestra amada hermana Carol a sus hijas, yernos y nietos. Descansa en los brazos de Aquel que dijo: Yo soy la resurrección y la vida; el cree en mi, aunque esté muerto vivirá. Amén. Mi esposa Miriam y yo oramos por toda la familia.

Eddy Castillo Feb 07, 2025

Friends ,San Jose, Costa Rica

Un gran hombre! Un gran siervo. Un lugar llamado Poás de Alajuela, Costa Rica, siendo estudiante del Seminario Nazareno de las Américas, fue un peonero en la apertura de una Igjesia del Nazareno en ese lugar. Recibirás su corona como buen siervoy fiel. Te recordaremos pero tenemos la certeza que nos reuniremos día. Fortaleza y consuelo para la familia. Nuestras condolencias desde San José, Costa Rica.

Zoila Pacheco Feb 08, 2025

Friends ,Mount Rainier ,Maryland

Nuestras más sinceras condolencias para toda su familia,el señor les de fortaleza en este momento difícil

Wilmar y Maria suarez Feb 10, 2025

Hno. En Cristo ,Frederick ,Maryland

No hay Palabra que puedan mitigar el dolor y la tristeza de la Familia inmediata y resto de Familia, estamos seguros que El Espíritu Santo esta haciendo su amorosa labor, dando consuelo, ante la partida de un siervo. Esposo, padre, abuelo. Hermano, padre de hijos espirituales, y siervo valioso en la obra del Señor. Que bella herencia de honor deja el Pastor Roberto Hodgson ahora esta con el Padre Celestial, descansando, gozando de las maravillas que El atesoro en esta vida, para estar ahora eternamente Feliz.

Rev Steve High Feb 11, 2025

Friend ,Hartford City ,Indiana

I met Roberto while attending Central Church in Lenexa. A kind and intelligent man, my prayers go out for his family. He is missed


Central Church of the Nazarene
12600 W. 87th St Pkway
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Feb 13, 2025
11:00 AM
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Celebration of Life
Central Church of the Nazarene
12600 W. 87th St Pkway
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Feb 13, 2025
12:00 PM
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