Jun 12, 1975---Feb 25, 2023

     Tara Lee Badji, 47, of Lenexa, KS, passed away Saturday, February 25, 2023.  Visitation will be from 9:30-10:30 AM followed by a Funeral Mass at 10:30 AM Friday, March 10, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 11300 W. 103rd, Overland Park, KS 66214.  

     Tara was born June 12, 1975, in Cedar Rapids,  Iowa.  She was a Registered Nurse and enjoyed helping people, especially children and Jamez.  She was preceded in death by her father Robert Hotz, Sr., brother Robert L. Hotz, Jr., niece Abigail Littrel, granddaughter Abriella Griffith, brother-in-law Marvin Dittmar, cousins DonDon, Noel and Amy Griffith.  Tara is survived by her husband, Jean Louis Badji, 3 children Dixon Griffith, Marius Badji, Ange Badji, mother Maggie Hotz, sisters Tammi Kendall (Chuckie), Treasa Boysen (Terry), Becky, June, Debi, Peggy and Wendy, granddaughter Davina Griffith, nephews Wesley, Jordan, Justin, Demetrius, Anthony, Andrew, John and niece Jessamyn. and extended family and friends. 


Cassie Kempenar Mar 02, 2023

Friend ,OLATHE ,Kansas

You will be dearly missed my friend, we had 6 wonderful years with you wish we could have had more. But you my beautiful friend was to good for this world your job isn't done yet save me a spot and you smile big and watch over your boys all of them even the smallest one. Until we meet again Tara rest easy now.

SAGNA Ange Mar 03, 2023

Beau frère ,Île de France - France

Bonjour Jean Louis , mes neveux et ma belle famille Ah Tara , nous t aimons et nous t aimerons toujours. Tu nous manques déjà. Mais nous croyons fermement à la résurrection de la chair à la vie eternelle et qu un jour nous serons tous réunis encore. Dieu est miséricorde. Puisse ton âme reposer en Paix. Puisse notre Seigneur Jésus t accueillir auprès de Lui. Mes sincères condoléances à toi Jean Louis , mes neveux et toute ta famille. Tara nous manquera toujours. Ange SAGNA

Alphonse Sylvestre Coly Mar 03, 2023

Cousin ,Thiès

Mes sincères condoléances mon frère

Victor Dione Mar 03, 2023

Friend ,Colgate ,Wisconsin

Rest in peace dear friend. You have always been welcoming and full of life. May God and all the angels welcome you to the happiest place and you may watch over us and your beautiful family. You will be missed Tara. The Dione family presents all our condolences to the Badji family. Stay strong and stay blessed.

Jessica Wesley Mar 03, 2023

friend ,Lenexa ,Kansas

Tara I really enjoyed getting to know you as a new friend and seeing how much you cared for all of our boys and especially your sons. You were always asking how you could help, what our boys needed, and your thoughfulness was evident. Your presence will be truly missed and I will be cheering on your boys twice as loud. Ange and Marius I am so deeply sorry for your loss.

Constance Badji Mar 03, 2023

Cousine ,Sénégal Dakar

Bonjour Cher Cousin, En cette douleuse épreuve, reçois mes sincères condoléances.Puisse Dieu, dans son infinie bonté, accorder à la défunte Tara sa miséricorde. Tu as toute ma compassion de cœur et d'esprit avec toi. En Unions de Prières Constance Badji

Abbé Jean Baptiste Valter Manga Mar 03, 2023

Ami ,Ziguinchor

Jean Louis c'est vraiment une triste nouvelle que ce départ de Tara si jeune. Toutes mes condoléances à toi, aux enfants et à toute la famille. Daigne le Seigneur dans sa grande miséricorde lui ouvrir les portes de sa maison. Je serai en union de prière avec vous vendredi 10 mars. Dieu vous bénisse Abbé Jean Baptiste Manga

Elizabeth Mar 03, 2023

Friend ,Dakar

Aww Tara! We just saw each other! I was so happy to see how happy you were when you visited me in Dakar. I will miss you so much! My heart is with you and I am praying for you and your whole family.

Dawn Stout Mar 03, 2023

Friend ,Cedar Rapids ,Iowa

My deepest sympathy for the family! Tara your so missed already

Tanika Phelps Mar 03, 2023

Friend ,Cedar Rapids ,Iowa

Tara, I’m at a loss for words! I just spoke with you not long ago. In a state of shock! You will truly be missed!

John Kolala Mar 03, 2023

Family friend ,Omaha ,Nebraska

My heartfelt condolences to the Badji family. RIP Tara.

Leisa Semien Mar 03, 2023

Friend ,Lenexa ,Kansas

Tara you will be forever missed! Please know that I will miss our phone calls, Fb comments and our encounters at Target. We met when our boys were in school together and we always sat together during the football games. May God look over the whole family during this difficult time! Miss you my friend! RIP ????

Mar 03, 2023

Que Dieu accueille notre très chère Tara Lee Badji dans son Paradis; qu'il lui fasse participer à la Plénitude de sa Vie.

Association Diaspora Catholique d'Affiniam Mar 03, 2023

Famille ,Paris

La Diaspora Catholique d'Affiniam se joint à la famille Badji dans la prière pour le repos de l'âme de notre belle-sœur Tara. Puisse le seigneur l'accueillir parmi ses humbles serviteurs. Sincères condoléances Jean L. Badji et à tes enfants. Que le seigneur vous donne la force de surmonter cette difficile épreuve. Amen !

Shannon Mar 03, 2023

Life long friend ,Cedar rapids ,Iowa

Tara I'm gonna miss you deeply. Ww go so far back I can't remeber a time you were not in my life. Prayers for your sons and mom and sisters I love you girl fly high

Deb Larson Mar 03, 2023

Friend/Co-worker ,Marion ,Iowa

You were always a bright light full of smiles, laughter, and pride for your children. You will be missed so much and by so many. Rest in peace dear soul.

Bonnie Mendoza Mar 04, 2023

friend ,Lenexa ,Kansas

Marius, and Ange, My heart is breaking for you! I just heard of your mom's death. I am so sorry! Your mother was a gift of light. She always made me laugh with her practical outlook and hysterical take on life's obstacles. Above all else, she loved you with her whole being. She will be missed!

Monique Badji Mar 04, 2023

Bonjour cher cousin, c'est vraiment douloureux de perdre un être très cher. Je compatis vraiment à votre douleur les enfants et toi sans oublier ta belle-famille. Mes sincères condoléances. Que le tout puissant vous donne la force de surmonter ces moments durs et qu'il accueille l'âme de Tara dans son humble paradis. Courage à vous.

Deborah Thomas Mar 04, 2023

Friend ,Cedar rapids ,Iowa

Always there for people with a big heart and big smile im going to miss you my friend you are a special person

Rita Diatta Mar 05, 2023

Amie olivia ,Madrid

Bjr Jeannot mes condoléances que la terre lui soit légère Amen courage

Celinda Correa Mar 05, 2023

Amie de sa belle sœur Françoise Olivia Badji ,Ottawa ,New York

Rip et courage à la famille

Connie Larios Mar 05, 2023

Cousin ,Ottawa ,Kansas

Knowing your there watching down on every one down here will make me feel safe. Take care of every one up there. I will miss u alot until we see each other again. Fly high my sister, cousin & friend. Boys I'm sorry for your loss. Love you

Emily Dierking Mar 05, 2023

Boy’s teacher and friend ,Overland Park ,Kansas

Dear Jean-Louis, Marius, and Ange, I am so very sorry to hear about your wife and mom’s passing! This comes as quite a shock! She was always so nice and kind to me. She loved you all so much! Please remember her spirit as you continue to be kind and generous to others as she would want you to be! Let me know if I can help you all in any way. I plan on seeing you at her funeral Mass as we celebrate her life! Mrs. Emily Dierking

Thomas Diandy dit Tony Mar 05, 2023

Familia ,Valencia-España ,Washington

C'est avec regret que nous parviennent ces tristes et douloureuses nouvelles nous annonçant le rappel à Dieu de Mme Tara Badji. Au nom de tous les membres de l' ONG ANAFA, nous présentons nos sincères condoléances les plus attristées à notre compatriote Jean Louis Badji dit Jeannot, ses enfants et à toutes les familles Badji, Lee, Sagna et Diémé. En ces moments difíciles où Jeannot a fort besoin de notre soutien, prions Dieu le Père Tout Puissant qu'il daigne pardonner les fautes de Tara et l' accueille dans son Paradis Céleste et que son étoile brille dans le ciel. Tara, protèges ta famille et intercèdes pour nous. En ce temps béni de carême, union de prières pour le repos de son âme et que la Terre lui soit légère. Amen /Tony Diandy ????????????????????????

Beatrice Preira Mar 05, 2023

Olivia's friend ,Dallas ,Texas

My deepest condolences to all the family! May God give you his peace and comfort during this difficult time. Amen ??

Djiba Family Mar 05, 2023

Friend and in-laws ,Kansas City ,Missouri

Jean Louis, Dixon, Marius and Ange, Accept our heartfelt sympathy during these difficult times. Tara will be deeply missed. She was indeed a beautiful soul, putting a smile on every face with her jokes, ironies, gifts, ... I am still feeling her energy during our parties (new year, baptism, graduations, ...) May the Lord welcome her in Heaven and dull your pain. We are together in these difficult moments and are hopeful for the future Bless and Love

Françoise Badji Mar 06, 2023

Frere ,Senegal

Mes condoléances frere

Mark Borchers Mar 06, 2023

Mcld employee ,The Woodlands ,Texas

I am in Texas and did not know Tara, but I’m very sorry to hear that we have lost one of our own, way too early. My sympathy to her friends and family. Her lovely smile in the photo gives some insight to her personality. Rest in peace.

Rosine & Marius Mar 06, 2023

Friend ,Cedar Rapids ,Iowa

Tara , que la terre te soit légère en ce temps de carême .

Matthew Greeff Mar 07, 2023

Jean Louis' Friend and Co-worker ,Greenwood ,Missouri

Jean, My heart felt condolences to you and your boys. Losing a loved one is one of the hardest trial we can go through. Stand strong but lean on those around you.

Jeremie & Ada Diame Mar 07, 2023

Family ,Cedar Rapids ,Iowa

Words seem inadequate to express the sorrow felt by the loss of Tara Badji.Jean Louis, Dixon, Marius, Ange, and grandma Maggie extend our deepest sympathy on the loss of one of the kindest people we have met. Tara Badji, you were such a thoughtful, generous, and caring person. I remember many years ago I came to the United States, and you welcomed me into your house and treated me as a family member. I have learned so much from you, how to speak and write English, how to use the appliances in the house, how to get ready for a job interview, how to drive a car, and many more… I can't thank you enough. You loved my family like your own. You and my spouse Ada had a strong bond, she is devastated knowing that she won't be able to be around you and laugh like you always do. I can’t omit to mention how much you loved my children, Jayson your godson, and Jaylanie your little friend whom you called Jayra.  They have so many souvenirs from you, clothes, toys, and books. You really spoiled them. I can write a whole book about you.   You were planning to come and stay at our house in Cedar Rapids that weekend, we were all excited to see you again even my mom, unfortunately, because of the weather and the road conditions being bad, you had to cancel. We were sad that you did not come but it is worse now that we know you will never come again. You will be TRULY MISSED, Tara. Though Tara Badji is not there with us anymore and though no one can fill the void her death has created in our lives, I wish the Almighty is always there to bless you, to give you strength and comfort to recover from the deepest sorrow. May our Lord bless Tara and takes her divine soul to rest with Him in heaven where they belong.  In this time of difficulty, we request you to please accept our sincere condolences. With much love and sympathy,

Dave and Mary Pat Muhlena Mar 07, 2023

friends ,Cedar Rapids ,Iowa

Jean Louis, we were startled and saddened to read of Tara's passing in the Cedar Rapids Gazette today. We remember your family fondly, and our prayers are with you.

Bénédicte KONAN SAGNA Mar 08, 2023

Belle sœur ,Achères, FRANCE

Cher Jean-Louis, nous sommes très affectés par cette nouvelle. Les mots ne peuvent atténuer l'immensité de votre douleur mais nous osons croire qu'ils vous apporteront du réconfort. Que le seigneur vous assiste, vous fortifie, vous console et qu'il accueille Tara dans sa demeure. Nous pensons très fort à toi et aux enfants. Recevez nos sincères condoléances. Bénédicte et les enfants.

Tom & Eileen Brunow Mar 08, 2023

Friend ,Cedar Rapids ,Iowa

So sorry to read of Tara's passing. It was a pleasure to join her in her journey of Christianity at St. Matthew's and sponsoring her in Baptism. Truly an honor. Deepest sympathy to Jean Louis and the family. Eileen

Jesus & Elodie Manga Mar 08, 2023

Cousin ,Senegal

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Tara Badji. En ces moments difficiles nous tenons à vous faire part de nos sincères condoléances et à partager votre peine. UNION DE PRIÈRE ????

Betsy Schmuck Mar 09, 2023

Friend ,Cedar Rapids ,Iowa

I was so sorry to read about Tara’s passing. I knew Tara, Jean Louis and the boys when they attended St. Matthew’s Parish in Cedar Rapids and the boys were in Religious Education classes. I am so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Amino badji Mar 10, 2023

Sister in law ,S

Hello badji family all my condolences the most saddened .that the good God welcomes him .Union of prayer

Marius Sagna Mar 10, 2023

Family ,Michigan

Woow i cannot believe this is happening… You are gone way too soon. I will never forget you and your warm smile being the first to welcome me when I 1st came to the US. we didn't know each other nor spoke the same language but somehow we could understand each other because you spoke the language of kindness and love. You were just a beautiful soul full of good intentions and wanted to share that goodness of your heart with anyone. I will always remember you as the sweet, nurturing, caring woman that you are. I could write so much about you but I will keep it short.I love you and will keep you forever in my heart. My deepest condolences go out to those closest to you. I can genuinely say that you were heaven sent. May your soul rest in peace forever. WE LOVE YOU

Hyacinthe Badiane Mar 10, 2023

Words may not be enough to express the sadness and sorrow I feel at the loss of your love one. All my prayers for your family! May the Lord bless you and wrap his love around you! My deepest sympathy!!!

Manga Mar 10, 2023

Je présente mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille Union de prière que son âme repose et que la terre lui soit légère ??????

Jim and Ann Cahill Jun 19, 2023

Friend ,Overland Park ,Kansas

We just heard of Tara’s passing and are broken hearted for ALL of you!! Our deepest prayers for peace and comfort will be with you!! Ann and Jim

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Holy Spirit Catholic Church
11300 W. 103rd St.
Overland Park
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Mar 10, 2023
9:30 AM
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Funeral Mass
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
11300 W. 103rd St.
Overland Park
Zip Code:
Mar 10, 2023
10:30 AM
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